Foodie is derived from groupie. Now the Marriam-Webster Dictionary on line has a specific definition:
foodie \food-eee\ -n: a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads (Mirriam-Webster dictionary online)
Notice the phrase "food fad". A fad is a flash or a spark of interest. The concept of that was so last week or last month comes to mind. Where a true aficionado of art, culinary or otherwise uses the classics as bench mark for judgment. A Fadist (yes I am coining a new word) looks only at what is here and now. Often times we look at Nouveau Cuisine and so much is exotic to the extreme, or a look. Not about what is truly important in food. Good food is texturally pleasing (ones personal definition), looks good (some standards, blue food is not good if not contrasted with other colors) and it tastes good (another personally subjective marker)
Now this does not sound so bad. Some folks might even call it cool. It's not synonymous to Gourmet, but some folks think it is! I'm sorry but calling people a foodie sounds too much like groupie and what is so good about that. Groupies follow there artistic master to the ends of the earth, pay huge amounts of money to be in the same city as their obssessions and produce little benefit to themselves or to society as a whole. I am not saying enjoying a good concert or poetry reading is not a cool thing, but if you are a groupie or a foodie it sounds like it is more about trends and social structure than what you as an individual really likes or wants. | |||||
A Foodie brings a picture to mind of somebody who will follow a chef or style to the ends of the earth, try to learn to cook just like said chef and feel complete only in that Chef's personal restaurant or domicile. This is not a healthy thing. Variety is the spice of life. Even vegans can't live on only one kind of vegetable. It takes a variety of nutrients as well as a variety of textures to keep one mentally and physically healthy. Could you imagine living on Hamburgers exclusively for the rest of your life? No french fries or onion rings or salads.Could you eat a Tofu, carrot and kale shake for the rest of your life? sure those things can be formulated to have all the required nutrients, but what about the required interest in eating? | |||||
Because of my current ah... abundance ( yes I be fat) I will accept the term Gourmand at this point in time. But eventually I will be a real Gourmet! and if at all possible earn the term Chef. A real gourmet enjoys the abundance of variety. A plate mixing a balance of flavors, textures and if possible memories stimulated not only the palate but one's very soul. the Movie "Ratatouille" |
Accepting divisive terms like "Foodie" as a title shows how little respect a person has for themselves.If you do nothing but follow the latest trends in eating, who are you deep inside? I am not saying trends should be ignored! but a trend or fad changes and comes eventually to an end. One example is cooking methods. In the early 1970s the trend was fast, microwave cooking. But what did we come back too? Grilling, derived form cooking over an open flame like Noah (The ark builder not linguist).
Fads are fun to watch, "Daisy Dukes" for example, I am such a guy yes. But wedding dresses are always long containing up to a nine yard train.... Why? Tradition (que Topov)!
Tradition is what defines nations, cultures and even neighborhoods. It seems to me part of what is happening globally is that folks are fighting of a global common culture. That weakens the individual because we as people can't identify with every sing group on the planet. We should have tolerance of other cultures, but we need to be part of our own.
In our current modern times, food is one thing that can be shared across cultures to teach a little bit about each person or culture. If you want to understand the Chinese, eat Chinese food. But not just eat, learn and understand the culture. Why is most Chinese or Mongolian food always cut in small pieces? Because there were no forks! Why are there no forks, because the Chinese figured out thousands of years ago that for sharing and eating around a table, chopsticks were better.
So foodie is an insult. It is nothing more than a fad, the term Cook or Chef has a long history of over 500 years.
Don't call me a foodie!